Understanding audiences through the devices they use for gaming
The fact that very few consumers game on one device exclusively is the basis for our research into the 'multi-platform' gamer. Analysis of this concept is important because it adds depth to understanding the competitive landscape for gamer attention, plus segmenting audiences by the (multiple) platforms they game on is a useful way to better shed light on their gaming characteristics and attitudes.
The traditional segmentation of mobile gamer, console gamer, and PC gamer is increasingly irrelevant in the modern gaming landscape. Gaming has broader reach than ever before, and in addition to rendering the industry more vulnerable to external factors such as macro-economic turbulence, it means the ways in which audiences interact with games are more varied and layered.
When comparing the gender profiles of various gaming device segments, there are definitely some anticipated major trends: for example, non-mobile gaming skews male, whereas mobile-focused gaming skews more heavily female.
However, somewhat less expectedly, PC demonstrates the broadest appeal across the spectrum – perhaps a nod to the expansive range of content available on the platform – while the category with the most equal gender split is gamers who play on console & mobile devices.
When considering age profiles across gamer device groups, the younger the consumer, the more devices they are likely to use for gaming. Older gamers are far more likely to use one device exclusively; evidence of the recent evolution of multi-platform experiences.
Ampere clients can find more detailed findings from our multi-platform gamer research in this recent report.

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